
New Year Resolution Ideas for A Better You

New Year Resolution Ideas for A Better You

The great thing about New Year’s is having the chance to turn over a new leaf. If you have had a rough 2016, the coming year is your chance to reinvent yourself.Whatever bad things, wrong choices, ...

Why You Should Never Pop Pimples, A Horror Story

Why You Should Never Pop Pimples, A Horror Story

To pop or not to pop? That is the question. Remember when you were young and your mom would tell you to keep your hands off your face? She would always tell you not to pick your pimples or blackhea...

Light Therapy: The New Way to Skin Care

Light Therapy: The New Way to Skin Care

The idea of light therapy is not new. In fact, people from long ago has resorted to using sun light to treat certain ailments and skin diseases. And in recent years, it has come back as an alternat...

Don’t Be Fooled by These 7 Skincare Myths

Don’t Be Fooled by These 7 Skincare Myths

Everyone wants to feel beautiful in the skin they’re in. So to take care of your skin, you buy a bunch of products, listen to advice on the internet or from friends and family, and think you’re set...

Spotlight: Acne Scars are Battle Marks I Do Not Intend to Keep

Spotlight: Acne Scars are Battle Marks I Do Not Intend to Keep

Remember the time you battled pimples and acne? It seemed like every day is a brawl with yourself and the world. Many teenagers and acne-sufferers dealt with pimples head-on knowing that they could...

Are Ultrasonic Facial Treatments Safe?

Are Ultrasonic Facial Treatments Safe?

People who are trying to better their skin are already using a variety of skincare products. Their makeup counter may be filled with anti-aging serums, moisturizers, facial masks and whatnot. There...