
Home microdermabrasion product breakdown

Home microdermabrasion product breakdown

The home microdermabrasion device market seems to be heating up, with companies claiming to produce amazing and noticeable results in a short amount of time from their device. We wanted to do a bri...

MicrodermMD Home Diamond Microdermabrasion Launched

MicrodermMD Home Diamond Microdermabrasion Launched

In mid-2010 we launched the first new product for the Trophy Skin line of home devices since the inception of the company. We searched far and wide to find a high quality home device that was effec...

Understanding the jargon of Blue Light Therapy

Understanding the jargon of Blue Light Therapy

In this new and fast growing field of light therapy, its easy for even a sophisticated consumer of cutting edge skin care products to become quickly confused. This blog is intended to demystify the...

How Decide on a Blue Light Therapy Device

How Decide on a Blue Light Therapy Device

The field of light therapy is growing quickly as more and more people realize the power and benefits of treating their skin without the use of harsh chemicals, antibiotics, or creams that usually c...

The Best New Year`s Resolution Of All Caring for Your Skin

The Best New Year`s Resolution Of All Caring for Your Skin

It’s the first week of January and most people are still gung-ho about their New Year’s Resolutions. Each year we start with strong motivation to make this year better than the last. It’s human nat...

Taking Care of Dry Skin

Taking Care of Dry Skin

Sometimes we just have dry hands or dry lips, but it seems like in the brisk and windy months of winter, we have several trouble spots. This blog post is going to show you how at-home microdermabra...