5 Things I Wish I Had Done Differently for My Skin

Some people do not take care of their skin because they do not see the need to do so. Until the day they start seeing skin problems occur. Here's a short list of what we could do for our skin to age gracefully.
5 things I wish I have done differently for my skin

Life may make us busy to notice the little things that change every day until you get a breather. You look in the mirror and see the lines that weren’t there before. Some people do not take care of their skin because they do not see the need to do so until the day they start seeing skin problems occur.

When you are in your late 20s or early 30s you feel you’ve aged so much. Don’t you wish you can reverse the clock and prevent those fine lines and signs of premature skin aging?

We are all for aging beautifully, but when you see wrinkles and age spots early on, don’t you want to cry? Despite the endless options and anti-aging products available in the market, you can’t help but think “Where did I go wrong?”

Here are the things our younger selves have neglected and wish we could change:

Neglecting sunscreen

We need to apply sunscreen daily, even on overcast days. Our younger selves would not have understood the importance of using sunscreen daily. We thought sunscreen is only needed if we spend time under the sun.

Sunscreens block harmful rays from the sun that causes premature aging. Even if you do not see obvious signs of damage, your skin undergoes physiologic changes that are difficult to reverse. Watch this video to see evidence of sun damage.

Not drinking enough water

Some people are not keen on drinking plenty of water. Most preferred sodas or sugar-infused drinks rather than plain, tasteless, and boring water. 

55-65% of our body is made up of water. We need to replenish this to maintain bodily processes. Proper hydration not only aids in nutrient absorption but makes our skin well hydrated and glow as well.

Poor nutrition

Eating fruits and veggies may not be as fun as digging into fries and other sugary comfort foods but knowing the benefits will make you think twice.

Fruits and vegetables are known as “Glow foods” because they are packed with nutrients that make our skin glow. Not only that, but they also boost our immune system so we can fight common diseases.

“Grow Foods” include meats and proteins and we should also incorporate these into our diet so we can repair tissues and muscles. 

“Go Foods” are those rich in carbohydrates that give us the energy to complete our activities of daily living. We need to remember that we have to eat in moderation and that we should strive to have a balanced diet.

Drinking (alcohol) and smoking

Alcohol consumption and smoking make our skin look tired and old. Both also dehydrate our skin. Those who smoke tend to see signs of aging earlier than those who do not. This is particularly obvious around the lips. 

If you can't forego alcohol, consume dry red wine instead to have beneficial cardiovascular effects.

Neglecting proper skin care

This is perhaps the most important thing you need to do for your skin. And you have to start early in doing so. It's not just about "looking good" but also feeling good.

Our skin plays a huge role in our confidence to face the world. Those who are suffering from acne would know. Having acne and acne scars are confidence-busters and have a negative psychological effect on people. The same is true with signs of aging. Although having wrinkles is inevitable, having them early is a bummer. 

So how do we prevent these skin problems? We need to establish a skincare routine early on!

The key to having great skin is taking care of it. There are plenty of skincare products that could help keep your skin in tip-top shape. You just need to figure out which is best for you. 

We all have different skin so we need to use products that are beneficial to our own skin type. Just because a certain product has gone viral on TikTok doesn't mean it could work wonders for you. 

Find Your Skin Type

Take the Quiz!

Remember, we have different skin types and skin issues, you just need to find that gem that can help you reveal your best skin.

An ideal skincare routine should be simple. 

  • Wash your face with a gentle cleanser. 
  • Apply a face serum fit for your skin needs. 
  • We need to moisturize daily to keep our skin well hydrated. 
  • Again, we need to use sunscreen because the sun can cause premature aging.

We also need to exfoliate a few times a week to keep dead skin from dulling our complexion. Do not over-exfoliate and compromise your skin barrier! If you are using a retinol, avoid other forms of exfoliation. 

You may also invest in a red light therapy device to heal your skin from the inside out.

Discover Your Best Skin

Be your own skin expert and transform your skin. Take care of your skin with spa-inspired at-home devices and skincare.

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Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. (n.d.). Sunscreen: How to Help Protect Your Skin from the Sun. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. https://www.fda.gov/drugs/understanding-over-counter-medicines/sunscreen-how-help-protect-your-skin-sun

The Water in You: Water and the Human Body | U.S. Geological Survey. (n.d.). USGS. https://www.usgs.gov/special-topics/water-science-school/science/water-you-water-and-human-body#:%7E:text=In%20adult%20men%2C%20about%2060,their%20bodies%20made%20of%20water.

Go, Grow, Glow! (2020, May 6). Edible Schoolyard NYC. https://www.edibleschoolyardnyc.org/resources/go-grow-glow/

Smith, J. (2022, July 12). Is red wine good for you? Medical News Today. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/265635

Clay, R. A. (2015, February). The link between skin and psychology. Monitor on Psychology, 46(2). https://www.apa.org/monitor/2015/02/cover-skin